
Quick Segue; Animal Testing

Still working on the blogbrowser obviously, but I have an assignment due in my english 100 class thursday that I have yet to start on. I am to do an essay comparing two essays, J B S Haldane's, Some Enemies of Science, and David Suzuki's, The Pain of Animals. Which are essentially just arguments over animal testing. Personally I feel that the answer is somewhere in the gray area in between the two extremes, but I just can't seem to start writing this essay. I was wondering if any of my faithful posters had any opinions to help give me a kick start to the essay, or just wanted to bash either side of the whole thing. So if you are up to it, let me know what you think!


  1. Hm....not really much assistance on this one..sorry!

  2. I liked your perspective in this one... I'm going to have to agree with you

  3. I'd definitely bash the haters of animal testing. It might not be the nicest thing to do but those animals they test stuff on are actually saving more lives than most of your readers, for example. Also, humans aren't on the top of the food chain for nothing - it's in our nature to destroy others in order to advance ourselves. This we can't change so why do people still bother?

  4. Sorry, I've never read anything from them...But be careful with the guy with japanese Last name xD maybe he alone holds the truth!

  5. Cool post man!Thanks!
    Supp :D

  6. Great post!

    looking forward to reading the next one

  7. It really depends on the product that they're researching. Testing on animals for new medicines is a good thing, even if the animals die. Testing on animals for bullshit like cosmetics is not a good thing.

  8. instead of using lab grow animals they should use lab grown human babys , oh wait....nvm..continue with the animals

  9. Sorry I can't help you, but yeah hope someone can :(

  10. i wish i could help you mate

  11. Great stuff. You keep me coming back!

  12. I enjoy reading your articles :D

  13. I enjoy reading your articles :D
