
Musical Preferences

I'm going to take a short break from my usual material to deliver a quick lesson on musical preferences. Music is important to nearly everyone. Whether its Justin Bieber or the bag pipes, I have never met someone who outright claims that all music is awful and they wish to live the remainder of their lives without hearing another piece of it again. Music plays a massive roll in my life, and it has shaped my character and provided me with many of my ideals. I listen to hardcore music, and I'm proud of it. Many times I've heard people ask if that means I listen to Metallica, or Atreyu. Lets get this clear to start off, by hardcore I'm talking about bands like Terror, Bracewar, Have Heart, and Madball. I understand that based on my life experiences Hardcore music appeals to me. And because we have all lived different lives I can not expect every one to like it. Over the past  6 or so years that I have been involved with this genre I have been ridiculed and put down for my tastes with people always trying to push their music on me. People that listen to more common genres seem to be unable to understand that not everyone sees the same thing in certain songs as they do. I've heard the phrase "Your music sucks" about a million times. That is entirely uncalled for. Just because you are unable to appreciate something does not mean that it sucks. There is something in every genre. Even if you say you are into Kanye West, I can fairly say that I can appreciate him. The person that managed to market him to billions of people must have been a genius. If you don't understand a genre, listen for something they do that you may not even like, that is just generally impressive. Instead of telling me my music sucks, try thinking about it for a second. No matter what genre you listen to I can say "You know what, I don't like this genre it at all, but I can appreciate what goes into the making of this style and can understand where you are coming from."

On a side note I'm really not pleased with this post, I feel that it didn't really go anywhere. But whats been typed has been typed, and hopefully I can get another good discussion on this one.


  1. My musical states have varied completely from rock, to trace, to hip-hip...all sorts I just really like metal.

  2. lol do i know you? last name nao

  3. I agree. I have a very wide taste in music but even the genres that I don't enjoy, I can appreciate for the work put into it and the creativity it takes to make ANY kind of music,.

  4. lol how about you give me yours first apathy?

  5. You have a good thing going here :)

  6. Sounds like a good plan. Go for it man.



  7. cool post bro!
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)
    suppin can u rtrn pls?

  8. I like pretty much any music.

  9. I like the majority of music other than heavey metal or screamo.
